at Rock Point School

Update: Adoption and Adolescents Presentation on Oct. 5th

Posted by Molly Huddle Coffey | September 29, 2016

teenager-adoption.jpgBenjamin Houchen (MA, LCMHC) will now be giving our presentation on Adoption and Adolescents. Adam Pertman was originally scheduled for this presentation, but is unable to attend at this time. We are excited to have Benjamin here to speak in his stead!

Date: October 5, 2016

Time: 6:00 - 7:30

Location: Rock Point School Library

Benjamin has been working with adoptive children and families since moving to Vermont in 2009. He has worked with children in a residential facility, foster homes, adoptive homes, and with “forever families.” His training and perspective approaches attachment, trauma, family dynamics, and internal development through a lens of acceptance and empathy.

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