A Day in the Life of a RPS Student

What’s your typical weekday like?

Amilia, 11th grader from New Jersey

1-getting-ready-for-schoolI like to get up around 7 a.m. and get ready for the day. If I get up that early, the bathroom is mostly empty and I can get ready quickly.

Breakfast - 8:00 a.m.

1a-Breakfast-at-Rock-Point-SchoolI head down to breakfast around 8 a.m. I like to eat a good breakfast so I have the energy for the day. Typically I make oatmeal for myself and have a banana and peanut butter, but I also love it when our chef makes eggs.

2-photography-classClasses Start at 9:00 a.m - Electives

At 9 a.m. I start my electives class. This quarter I’m taking photography which I like because we get to go outside and take photographs and go on field trips. It’s a good way to ease into the academic day with something fun and low pressure.


9:30 a.m. - English Class

I have English first period and it is my favorite class because we have a lot of interesting class discussions. I find I learn best with lots of discussions and I end up getting a lot of insight into the books we are reading. Our class periods are 45 minutes long and we have four classes before lunch.

4-lunchLunch is at 12:45 p.m.

After classes, I head to lunch. Lunch is usually the best meal of the day. I love having the option of the salad bar, and homemade soup and bread. We have assigned seats at lunch, which I don’t really mind. It means I don’t have to think about where to sit and we end up having random conversations at the table with staff. It can be entertaining.

5-work-crew1:15 p.m. Work Crew

At 1:15, we have work crew. That means we are assigned to an area of the school to clean. It’s not my favorite part of the day, but it goes quickly and it’s not hard.

Afternoon Classes

After lunch, we have one more academic class, and a supported study hall. Starting at 3:30, we have P.E., which can be anything from a walk on the bike path to a game of ultimate frisbee. I like that we have a lot of different options and we can talk to staff about what kind of activities we want to do.

Because I was doing well at Rock Point, I felt like I was ready to take on more responsibility, so I worked with my advisor to get a job. Twice a week when I’m finished with work crew, I work at an afterschool program at a local elementary school. I really like working with kids and so it’s perfect for me. On Thursdays, I get to go rock climbing with them at a local gym, and on Wednesdays we do arts and crafts together. I like having a job because it makes me feel more mature. 

6-dinner-at-Rock-Point-SchoolDinner & Study Hall

When I get back, I have dinner, another work crew, and then head to study hall. Having study hall at night is important for me because I miss study hall in the afternoon when I’m at my internship. It helps to have the structure to make sure I get my work done. Sometimes I get the option to take study hall in my dorm room and I like that flexibility.

7-hanging-out-on-the-dorm-floorEvening Open Time

We end the night with some open time. A lot of times I read or hang out with friends on the dorm floor. Sometimes there is an activity in the lounges, like board games, that can be fun. And I usually go to the kitchen to make a snack before bed.

What’s your typical Sunday like?

Nelson, Senior, Massachusetts 

I sleep in on the weekends

Weekend brunch

I get up around 10:30 or 11 a.m. After I shower and stuff I like to meditate for about 20 to 30 minutes. I’ve been adding time to this for a while. I started only being able to meditate for five minutes, but I really like it now. Brunch is at noon, which is a good time for me. If I’m hungry before that I can come in and grab cereal or something, but brunch is a full breakfast with everything you can think of - french toast, bacon, fruit, you name it. 

9-radio-stationAfter I eat, I prepare for the radio show I host. It’s a talk radio show called “STEAM LABS” on VCAM 99.3. To get ready, I pick a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, or Math) topic and outline what I want to talk about with my cohost.

Weekend Activities

There are activities on the weekend that you can sign up for and I often do one before I head to my internship at the station. Last week, we went to the cheese shop which was awesome, but I also like hiking or going to the YMCA to work out if that’s an option.

coffee and photographyIf there’s not an activity that I feel like doing, I usually have earned the privilege to leave campus for a while on my own. I might go walk on Church Street and take photos for photography class or visit the record store.

My internship is at 6:00, which means I have to get dinner at school before I leave. It’s usually a to-go situation. Once I get to the radio station, I’m focused on my topic for an hour. It’s been a fun learning experience and I really like radio work.

When I get back to school, I finish up my homework, if I have any. Sometimes I’ll relax and watch something on my iPad. I also have to clean my room on Sunday nights … it basically always needs cleaning.

I like the fact that it’s pretty relaxed on the weekend at Rock Point. You can pick how many activities you do and you get to sleep in. You get time with friends. You can do productive stuff and have options for fun activities. You can really make the weekend whatever you want.