
science class

The goal for our science curriculum is to create thoughtful and discerning science citizens, who have developed an enthusiasm for scientific methodology and discovery.

Science at Rock Point School is designed to engage all students, from individuals with a deep passion for science to those who are uncertain how science will play a role in their lives. Courses aim to inspire analytical thinking and to leave all students with the ability to approach subjects scientifically and understand the role of science in the world at large. Our science offerings of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics include multiple avenues for exploring material.  Students will have opportunities to perform laboratory experiments, join field excursions, conduct research projects, explore current events, and undertake self-directed individual projects. Students have enjoyed projects that demonstrates concepts from the classroom in the wider world. When students are not in the science room conducting a lab or holding a lively discussion, they can often be found on our campus or beyond, using the world around them as a laboratory. Students study geology at the edge of our lakeside campus, using the overthrust to learn about rock formation. They conduct experiments about our energy usage and drain run-off by analyzing our campus and interviewing staff members. They have a voice in climate change issues when they attend the Youth Climate Summit at UVM. Recently, some of our students have even gotten involved teaching younger students about Science, through the Teens Reaching Youth (or TRY) program. 

Skills that are developed in the Science curriculum include:

  • Data analysis
  • Experimental design
  • Research methods
  • Working in groups
  • Observational skills
  • Scientific writing
  • Reading comprehension
  • Critical thinking

Course offerings include lab-based classes in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.